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Showing posts from December 5, 2014

Chinese Horoscope - Snake Compatibility with Monkey

Compatibility Monkey Snake Chinese horoscope License Images / Information: Snake - Monkey LOW LEVEL OF COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A MONKEY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AFFINITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A MONKEY According to the Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Horoscope or the affinity or compatibility between a Snake and Monkey is not very good , because both have very different personalities. At the same time as contradictory as it is these very differences that at some point they could bring or simply do more complementary, clear long as limen or exceed their obvious differences of character and personality. NATURE OF THE SERPENT The Serpent as mentioned above, owns an unusual popularity it is that you want or not, while their innate power of persuasion also makes it a charming and seductive person at a time, it depends on positive or negative use you give your gifts. Despite these characteristics extroverted truth is that in essence the Serpent is lonel

Chinese Horoscope - Snake Compatibility with Sheep or Goat

Compatibility Goat Snake Chinese horoscope License Images - Information: Goat - Snake COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A SHEEP OR GOAT IS HIGH GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A SHEEP OR GOAT The Serpent and the Sheep or Goat , have a good level of compatibility, your relationship can become very strong, both in appearance are quiet signs or withdrawn or very internalized so you would think they would need an Animal or sign Horoscope stronger Chinese or Extrovert , however actually in the background are very energetic and compatibility could be quite high especially in the sexual and social field, however you have to take into account other salient aspects of their charismatic personalities. The Snake has a very rational , analytical and highly intuitive mind, quite philosophical; while the Sheep or Goat has a much more creative, progressive mind, a more emotional, and peculiarly sympathetic esoteric thought, which turns the

Chinese Horoscope - Snake Compatibility with Horse

Compatibility Horse Snake Chinese horoscope Licenses Images: Snake - Horse LEVEL OF AFFINITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A HORSE IS HEREBY GENERAL COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN A SNAKE AND A HORSE According to the Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Horoscope ; The Serpent and the  Horse  are not the best partner or marriage from the point of view of the Chinese Zodiac , because their characteristics are very opposite personalities which does not fit well together, although attractive at first glance look, if not there are other favorable aspects in their birth charts to improve their compatibility, surely this marriage will not last long. In the Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Horoscope the  Horse  has a great deal of energy uncontrolled requiring constant motion , so the  Horse  is so strong;  Horse  sign in the Chinese horoscope or Chinese Zodiac  is characterized by being alone , restless and constantly moving. Instead the Serpent , by contrast, likes quiet home, can also be a bit lazy. A

Chinese Horoscope - Compatibility Snake with other Snake

Compatibility Between 2 Serpents Chinese horoscope License Image: Free to Share CC COMPATIBILITY SNAKE WITH OTHER SNAKE IS QUITE HIGH General characteristics between a snake and a snake According to the Chinese Zodiac Horoscope or; and not surprisingly, the Snakes vibrate under the same energetic influence, so it is not surprising that are highly compatible. However, despite its undeniable similarities, Snakes can also file incompatibilities An example of this is the distrust, because it is not a secret that the Snakes are highly suspicious, thus being with another the Snakes , the suspicion can be mutual and This could prevent a deeper and sincere union.  Two Snakes may have a link mutually satisfactory because of their shared values. The Snakes have an inner sense of insecurity so that stability and confidence are very important to this sign; both together you can trust each other to contribute to a stable relationship. They may also have a lot of fun, wh

Chinese Horoscope - Snake Compatibility with a Dragon

Compatibility Snake and a Dragon Chinese horoscope Licenses Images: Dragon - Snake High Degree of Affinity between a Snake and a Dragon General Characteristics between a Snake and a Dragon According to the Chinese Horoscope or Zodiac The Serpent and the Dragon , they have a high degree of compatibility or affinity, however take into account their particular group interests and tastes, that is, as long as they are common or similar, of course there will be a high degree of affinity between the two. . Both the strong Dragon and the Sagacious Snake , are highly sexy signs with a marked natural appeal, although their sex-appeal are very different from each other, they possess that strange magnetism, typical of these two zodiacal animals, while the Dragon is characterized by its strong personality often of robust or solid appearance, the Snake often thin or not as robust or muscular as the Dragon, while the Dragon is very energetic on a physical level the Snak