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The Dog in the Chinese Zodiac or Horoscope and its meaning


Chinese Dog Horoscope, Chinese Dog Horoscope Features, Chinese Dog Zodiac, Chinese Dog Horoscope Profession, Chinese Dog Business Horoscope, Chinese Dog Horoscope Compatibilities, Horse Dog Compatibility, Tiger Dog Compatibility, Dragon Dog Compatibility or Incompatibility, Horse Dog Compatibility Chinese Horoscope, Dog Compatibility Tiger Chinese Horoscope, Dragon Dog Compatibility or Incompatibility Chinese Horoscope -

Dog - Chinese Horoscope

License Image: Public Domain
The Dog in the Chinese Zodiac Horoscope and ranks eleventh is ranked No. 11. The Dog is known for being a loyal friend and a great protector. The Dog is a social animal so it is natural to him who always think of group and is closely related to them, especially those groups where their relatives, dearest friends are nearby.

Dogs have a clear sense of values and honesty, which usually implemented, this does not mean we always do but the influence of it is marked on their destinations, however they are the Dogs, those who finally decide if put into practice or not. Likewise, it is natural that having a clear sense of right and wrong from the point of view of morality and righteousness, in their good points, it is logical that do not tolerate abuses, aberrations or injustice, especially when they are victims of or when they come near an injustice.

By natural instinct, people born under the influence of the Year of the Dog, are often aggressive and territorial, so it is not surprising that defend vigorously family, possessions, friends and loved ones, despite their ferocity is but it is strong fortunately Dog bite is not as lethal as other animals or Chinese Zodiac Horoscope.

Although by nature the Dog or Can, is a purely social animal, its nature is more sociable than passive dominant; therefore they can be very good hosts but will not be the soul of the party. The Dog will be affable and talkative but behind the scene without being the center of all attention. Not for lack of merit or attributes but because they are shy in the background; but nevertheless can be very polite and they want easily by their true and innate simplicity.

The Dog is a very intelligent Chinese Zodiac Horoscope or animal, in addition to gentle and compassionate, as a good loyal friend who is by nature, so he always know who their real friends and who are not. And as for the Dog friendship is of great importance is not surprising that make great efforts or demonstrations of affection for his true friends, with whom surely the Dog will have a great connection and almost psychic understanding.

Although the Dog is a loyal friend, in your personal relationships will not be as stable and these are numerous, unless such relationship will provide besides Love, passion and understanding; a homely, family and cooperative environment, as close to her family environment for children and adolescents. Since the Dog all his life will be very attached to his family, although they are not present for work, distance, studies or other reason will always be present in both physically and mentally or at least in their memories or thoughts family festivities.


Thanks to its versatility, empathy, understanding, wit; and compassion: Dog can function successfully in different professions or careers; the list is extensive; including: the social field, such as Social Worked, In Hospitals, Customer Service, Social Service Organizations social support whether public or private, political scientist, Medicine, Law, Science, etc. For his perseverance, diligence and dedication will help you perform lightly if you want it.

The Dog belongs to the earth element, which attributed its qualities and disadvantages, as they are, be pragmatic, analytical, workers, realistic, plus clever clever. Due to the influence of the earth element, the Dog will be very susceptible to ailments of the stomach, pancreas and spleen. Hence it is so important to maintain good health, the Dogs have a healthy and balanced diet plus exercise regularly to avoid the typical stress of said element attached to its powerful innate degree of arousal, which can exacerbate by concerns or difficulties of everyday life.



Dog and Tiger will have an excellent relationship, in any field, both personally and at work, because they both share a very indifferent life perspective at the same time makes sharing your thoughts and approaches thereto, hence there will be a high level of affinity between a Dog and a Tiger, both have a great understanding and high communication, which allow them not only to iron out their rough edges but successfully making efforts in common or joint ideals.


The connection point between a Dog and a Horse is sociable and optimistic nature, aspects like magic will connect in a unique manner, allowing them to develop other positive aspects of their personalities another. Trust and Safety Dog, will be of great help to free the scary horse, thus forging an enriching and enjoyable relationship for both in any field that unfold, whether labor, business professional or sentimental.


Moreover, a relationship between a Dog and a Dragon, especially emotional level is not recommended, as it will be full of ups and downs and disagreements that hinder the relationship especially if you spend much time together or live together, because in this relationship between Dog and Dragon there is little understanding and equity and therefore little commitment


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