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Showing posts from November 16, 2014


Western Astrology License Image: Public Domain Basically  Astrology  is defined as the science that studies the influences of the heavenly stars on the lives of people; hence the adage: " ASTROLOGY HEELS BUT NOT DETERMINED ." Of course, the above is a very general definition of  Astrology , which is a much more complex and profound science to the previous definition, which has many variations to study and analyze, to study in depth later in the simplest way possible to be understood by all of us. In ancient  Astrology  and astronomy were intimately linked, however, with the passing of the years considered two completely asides sciences; since the first studies the influence of the heavenly stars on the lives of people and the second studies the celestial stars as such. Astrology  has been considered by many a very complex science, giving much to talk about because some professionals in the field say that the influence of heavenly planets in  Astrology


Card Game - Magic License Image: Public Domain Evolution of the Playing Cards The playing cards were originally created as a board game , however, and over time this changed, ie were not only being a deck of cards " Game Playing Cards " for recreational purposes but also began to be used with máncicos purposes or of divination. Eventually they emerged different types of Barajas "Card games" notwithstanding the best known are the Spanish and French Shuffle Shuffle. Historical Events of the Playing Cards It is believed that Card games arose in the twelfth century and according to tradition it is said that its origin was in India, but other historians say it was in Egypt and China. Opinions are divided about its origin and its exact origin is uncertain. Playing Card Games  magical images used initially and then began using images of wars and battles. Since ancient times have used different materials to form different types of Card games, f

Tarot and Tarotism

Tarot and Tarotism License Image: Public Domain The tarot is a type of card reading : That is a method of divination consisting of a deck of cards, through which past, present and future events are predicted, each letter has a meaning and its inverted or position does not contain a meaning also specific order in which each is exposed as astrology ( Horoscope ) letters show a map of symbolic meanings that are associated with the life of the person concerned. It is said that the  Tarot  had its beginnings in the fourteenth century, and is believed to be first used for divination purposes in the eighteenth century, this period máncicos special cards for purposes created and use it took a lot of strength and power in that time; were further perfected over time such performance techniques, many of which are used today. Composition of Tarot Cards The traditional Tarot  consists of 78 cards, including major arcana and minor arcana, bone underage biggest secrets and arcane

Astral Card also known as Natal Chart

Western Astral Chart Image: GNU 3.0 Free Documentation History of Birth Chart The birth chart or natal chart is a personalized horoscope , that is a picture that captures the locations or positions of the planets at a particular and specific time which are considered for processing the exact time of birth, date and place of same; accuracy will depend largely on the success of the birth chart or natal chart also called personalized horoscope , however this is not enough, because it requires the correct interpretation of the data, either by a qualified astrologer or software complete, current and accurate. To raise (make) a correct and accurate  birth chart  in need for the full details of the astrological houses and know-how and algorithmic mathematical calculations required in each planetary calculation, or failing to access an aerospace software like NASA for example: (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) through telescopes large capacity are able to produce complex and astral