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Showing posts from November 25, 2014

Chinese horoscope for Snake 2015

Snake 2015 Predictions Chinese horoscope License Image: Public Domain GENERAL FORECAST FOR THE BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE IN 2015 Evidence in 2015 for Snakes 2015 will be a very demanding for those born in the Year of the  SNAKE  year. There is a natural conflict between  SNAKES  and goats; and in the year of the goat, could be conflicts or altercations. The  SNAKE  will be filled with intense energy, ready to conflict; and furthermore also by the challenge and adventure. If you are a person born in any year of the  SNAKE  and encaminas all that energy toward your goals person, surely you will be unstoppable this year. The Year of the Ram (Year of the Goat), will challenge all  SNAKES  and you feel increased stress and energy.  SNAKES  may find that there are challenges in all aspects of their lives and they will have to work hard to overcome. Snakes recommendation for this year 2015 Testing for  SNAKES  in this 2015 will undoubtedly the handle temper,

Horoscope, birth chart or natal chart: Planets

HOROSCOPE - PLANETS Although a Natal Chart  consists of the 12 astrological houses, the twelve signs of the zodiac and aspects between planets. It is these planets considered the most important in a Astral Chart  included the Sun and Moon that although as mentioned above are not planets but a star and a satellite respectively but in Astrology are considered planets and important. SYMBOLS OF THE PLANETS • The sun represents the instinctive desire. • The moon represents the sensitivity. • Mercury intelligence. • Venus sentiment and the ability to love. • Earth the appearance of fortune. • Mars to action. • Jupiter joie de vivre. • Saturn reason. • Uranus decisional capacity. • Neptune processing capacity. • Pluto creative instinct.

Horoscope, birth chart or natal chart: The Zodiac Signs

Signs Western Horoscope Animal Symbol and/or Element License Image: Public Domain SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC - HOROSCOPE The western zodiac consists of 12 signs in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. It is said that a planet takes on the qualities and defects of the sign and house transits. The signs are divided into three groups: cardinal, fixed and mutable and in turn each sign belongs to one of the following four elements: fire, earth, air or water. ITEM OR ANIMAL SIGNS AND REPRESENTING Aries represents the horns of a ram. Taurus the head of a bull with its horns. Gemini stars Castor and Pollux. Cancer spiral shells. Leo Lion's Mane Virgo represents the end of the harvest. Libra the scales. Scorpio carefully selected seed. Sagittarius the archer's arrow. Capricorn Mountain by flowing water. Aquarius rushing water. Pisces two fish.

Horoscope, birth chart or birth chart: Exact Time of Birth

Natal Chart License Image: Public Domain HOROSCOPE - TIME OF BIRTH While it is true that the planetary positions in a day do not change much, if they change the astral houses where the planets are located, so for example if you were born at 6:00 am Virgo and you then have the same sun sign up your bone that of the month you were born, ie Virgo too; but if you were born at 7:00 A.M. Sign up have the following bone Libra The above minimum difference will make a big change in your Horoscope , astrological chart or birth chart , as although the planetary positions are almost equal; houses that occupy these planets are different in the first case than in the second case. Giving as a result totally different individuals with characteristics very different qualities and defects. Hence the significance of the date, exact time and place of birth for proper astrological interpretation. HOROSCOPE - TIME AND PLACE OF BIRTH In the above example if we had the time of birth ,

Horoscope, Birth Chart: Components

Components Horoscope License Image: Public Domain HEALTHY INGREDIENTS COMPONENTS HOROSCOPE To the right levantantamiento a natal chart , birth chart or horoscope , you need to have the exact date and time of birth of the individual or the approximate data possible, the reliability thereof, will depend largely on the accuracy of the Astrologo or data supplied to the input data to the computer-astrology program you use. MINIMUM  COMPONENTS  - HOROSCOPE TIME - (hh: mm: ss) BIRTHPLACE - (Country / Department, State or State / City) DATE OF BIRTH - (dd / mm / yyyy) * The correct basic minimum information set out above, it is necessary to properly raise a chart, horoscope  or birth chart; and thus obtain as accurate, useful and practical prediction or interpretation astral possible. * The reason why the information should be as accurate, because in one hour is given for example at 5 am The sun may be in Virgo and 6 am may already be in Libra, and so with t

Horoscope, birth chart or birth chart: Basic Definition

Astral Constellation Horoscope License Image: Public Domain BASIC DEFINITION HOROSCOPE Western Astrology is based on the manifestations of the solar aura, you could say that it comprises a being represented in its 12 main chakras bone 12 astrological houses and the 12 zodiacal signs that compose it. As pointed one area or ignored other, as the transiting planets in a year, however we are talking about the Earth year, because for a planet like Pluto can take over 250 years to circle the sun. Thus a given, especially generational, also known as slow-moving planets, planet may be several years in the same zodiac sign. Meanwhile specific data: Time, date and exact place of birth, the sum of these factors, astral aspects (Trines, Conjunctions, Sextiles, quincunx, Stelium, Squares, midpoints, sesquiquadrates, semisextiles, planets, planetoids, astrological houses occupied by them ... and other aspects of greater or lesser importance. make up the minimum data and / com

Astral Charter also known as Natal Chart

Astral Chart or Natal Chart Western Horoscope License Image: Royalty Free HOROSCOPE, ASTRAL LETTER O NATAL CHART! The birth chart or birth chart is a Personalized Horoscope , ie a photograph that captures the locations or positions of the planets at a particular and specific time which are considered for processing the exact time of birth, date and place of same; accuracy will depend largely on the success of the birth chart or birth chart also called personalized Horoscope , however this is not enough, because it requires the correct interpretation of these data, either by a qualified astrologer or software complete, current and accurate. To raise (make) a correct and accurate birth chart in need for full details of the astrological houses and expertise mathematical and algorithmic calculations required in each planetary calculation, or failing to access an aerospace software like NASA eg (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) through telescopes large capacity are able to prod

Horoscope, Birth Chart or Astral Letter: Definition

Horoscope Evolution License Image: Public Domain DEFINITION HOROSCOPE We print or astrophotography of the planets at a given time; detailed illustration of this is what is known as a birth chart or birth chart which can be used to predict not only the future possibilities of an individual; but also of a nation, company, etc. ... It is important to emphasize that astrology and specifically a natal chart defines the features of a particular person, company or nation, among others, and predicts the future possibilities of successes or failures in several respects, however it is important to know that is very true the known saying: " ASTROLOGY HEELS BUT NOT DETERMINED ", ie although based on astrology a personal Horoscope  or birth chart is raised and that it will see the pros and cons of the individual being studied by itself the pros and cons astrologically reveal various ways and depends on the individual get the most for their benefit or detriment according


Horoscopy History of the Horoscope License Image: Public Domain History Horoscope According to data related Babylonians under Persian rule, were one of the earliest known cultures in making predictions and predictions based on the celestial astronomy and adapting a series of  horoscopical  calculations , according to writings found in ancient manuscripts, carved in stone or prediction tables thus giving rise to the first  horoscopes . However, other cultures made significant and valuable contributions not only knowledge but with complex constructions used for such purposes, as corroborated precise structures Maya Calendar and Clock found in the Yucatan Peninsula. They have also been found in prehistoric caves and prehistoric caves recorded statements showing the different phases of the moon, the sun and its influence on the seasons. Other civilizations made valuable contributions to the foundations of modern astrology as are: Sumerian, Chinese, Celts, Druids,