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Showing posts from April 4, 2019

Chinese Horoscope - Compatibility between a Rat and a Goat

Compatibility Rat - Goat Chinese horoscope Public Domain Licenses: Rat - Goat Medium-Low Compatibility Level The Rat and the Goat are in quincunx, in the Chinese Zodiacal Wheel, astrological aspect considered by many astrologers as innocuous or tense energetically speaking, well, the compatibility relationship between a person born in the year of the Rat with a person born in the year of the Goat is not the best nor the most fluid. In this type of union or association there will be something like a boredom for incompatibility of characters is not as strong an incompatibility as with a Horse, but here the Rat and the Goat, feel the monotony or lack of empathy in their relationship or vice versa a constant discomfort, a kind of tedium or discordance with ups and downs. The pragmatism of the Rat clashes with the spontaneity of the Goat. On the other hand the Goat does not finish to understand the social character but methodical or very protocol of the Rat