Astral Charter also known as Natal Chart

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Astral Chart or Natal Chart

Western Horoscope


The birth chart or birth chart is a Personalized Horoscope, ie a photograph that captures the locations or positions of the planets at a particular and specific time which are considered for processing the exact time of birth, date and place of same; accuracy will depend largely on the success of the birth chart or birth chart also called personalized Horoscope, however this is not enough, because it requires the correct interpretation of these data, either by a qualified astrologer or software complete, current and accurate.

To raise (make) a correct and accurate birth chart in need for full details of the astrological houses and expertise mathematical and algorithmic calculations required in each planetary calculation, or failing to access an aerospace software like NASA eg (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) through telescopes large capacity are able to produce complex astral maps and can in turn predict a minimum margin of error future planetary transits and can also store and astrological transits past.

Astrology programs online are a breakthrough in astrology since they allow not only more precise calculations but real and current time. Such information implemented through complex software allows easy framing Astral Charts and also facilitates the interpretation of this information because in the past this process was done manually and then the task a little easier with the collection of data in logs or books containing tables, information and algorithms that simplified the process somewhat, however despite this aid was still consuming process.

But with computer technology; these processes were streamlined, simplified and optimized greatly, this Internet-linked allowed access to such knowledge globally. However although astrology has advanced greatly much to explore in the field of adequate interpretation, in my opinion are very basic current concepts of interpretation, undoubtedly Astrology is a more complex and extensive science. There are still many ways to go.
