Horoscope, Birth Chart: Components

Minimum Components Horoscopes, Horoscopes Components, Natal Chart Components, Astral Chart Components, Horoscope Components, Natal Chart Components, Astral Chart Components - Starpluto.blogspot.com

Components Horoscope

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To the right levantantamiento a natal chart, birth chart or horoscope, you need to have the exact date and time of birth of the individual or the approximate data possible, the reliability thereof, will depend largely on the accuracy of the Astrologo or data supplied to the input data to the computer-astrology program you use.


  • TIME - (hh: mm: ss)
  • BIRTHPLACE - (Country / Department, State or State / City)
  • DATE OF BIRTH - (dd / mm / yyyy)

* The correct basic minimum information set out above, it is necessary to properly raise a chart, horoscope or birth chart; and thus obtain as accurate, useful and practical prediction or interpretation astral possible. *

The reason why the information should be as accurate, because in one hour is given for example at 5 am The sun may be in Virgo and 6 am may already be in Libra, and so with the other planets also so does the astrological houses, ascending, descending, midheaven, under heaven, favorable or unfavorable aspects.

To this must be added the fact geographical location as for example: Two people are born exactly on time mism on the same day, but one axle. born in Madrid and the other born in NewYork, the charts will be totally different, as there are several time zones apart to amend the astrological houses in which the planets would be located and location have the same astral planets at the time, but in different astrological houses, as they are from each birthplace in different positions and astral houses, astrologically speaking; therefore concerned horoscopes or astrology chart will be different.
