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Astral chart New milleniumNew Millennium Image: License 3.0 CC |
From the Horoscope old, also known as birth chart or Horoscope has been considered an important means of prediction or divination to diverse cultures having as a basis for its realization the position of the planets or celestial when a person's birth stars. The term comes from the Greek Horoscope: "ὥρα" (time), time, and "σκόπεω" (skopeo) examined.
Although more and more various divination methods available Horoscope remains one of the most used and has greater acceptance, though so far there is no evidence or strong enough studies to support the accuracy or validity of divination, interpretations or predictions made by different preparation methods available today.
Really the accuracy of predictions and subsequent effectiveness of them is augmented by psychological abnormality known as usual: "That means the fact automatically associate similar patterns by the human brain mass by individuals" act for which he is easy to remember the proper concomitants or concurrences and also forget almost instantly or automatically and involuntarily made such errors. Imprecision in conjunction with a high probability range forecasts results atino bit level but eloquent accurate enough that psychological function described above or gear.
Throughout history many civilizations used various forms of such prediction relying on their own almanacs or calendars in relation to the stars. A clear example is the Mayan civilization with its known and accurate astrological knowledge such as the Mayan calendar and the famous Mayan prophecies of 2012 for example.
Astrological symbolsPlanets and their relationshipwith the HoroscopeLicense Image: Public Domain |
However, other cultures made significant and valuable contributions not only with knowledge but with complex constructions used for such purposes, as corroborated structures must Maya Calendar and Clock found in the Yucatan Peninsula.
They have also been found in prehistoric caves and prehistoric cave engravings evidence showing the different phases of the moon, the sun and its influence on the seasons.
Other civilizations made valuable contributions to the foundations of modern astrology as are: Sumerian, Chinese, Celts, Druids, among others. ...
The most striking of these events is to see the similarity in their bases, namely the Moon, the Sun, the main known planets and celestial stars were always part of his predictions; obviously for some cultures like the Sumerians called them as their gods, for example: No "Moon" Shamash (Sun) Ishtar (Venus) and so on in other cultures, it is clear this is not news to us today, but keep in mind that we are talking about thousands of years before the discovery of America, then it is good to ask why different cultures had similar basic concepts as if they did not know or had not yet been discovered?
These similarities in their basic concepts and have made many predictions that horoscopology is that a science and not just a divinatory practice. So we now know that the phases of the moon affect the tides of the oceans, also now know that at certain stages of the ellipse of the earth around the sun climate change are repeated among many other effects such as the stations example, all this is not new for us we know thanks to strong astrological studies and legacies of these cultures obsessed with astrology, astronomy and other sciences Horoscopology between who contributed their bit in this area.
What is the Horoscope?What is the Astral Card?What is the Natal Charter?License Image: Public Domain |
It is important to note that astrology and specifically a natal chart defines the characteristics of a particular person, company or nation, among others, and predicts the future possibilities of successes or failures in several respects, however it is important to know that it is very true the known saying: "ASTROLOGY HEELS BUT NOT DETERMINED", ie although based on astrology personal Horoscope or birth chart is up and that it will see the pros and cons of the individual who is looking for that very the pros and cons astrologically reveal several ways and depend on the individual to make the most for their benefit or prejudice based on such features and capabilities of birth.
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Prediction Astral ChartLicense Image: Public Domain |
The correct analysis or interpretation made by the astrologer Horoscope that depend heavily on the accuracy of the data provided, and it will also depend largely on the suitability of the astrologer or astrology program interpreting this chart
It is essential to know the exact date and time plus the birthplace to undertake a Horoscope. Thus a geocentric visual impression at that time is performed, showing not only the position of the planets at that time but also the positions or areas that are formed in 12 sections known as astrological houses. So the first astrological house is known as Ascendant. The rising brand largely an individual's personality is its essence, while his sun sign is its appearance is its upward which usually dominates his personality in greater or lesser degree according to the other Aspects present in the birth chart or Horoscope.
Astrological influencesLicense Image: Public Domain |
Horoscopes are usually symbolized with a circle divided into 12 sections, called astrological houses, each astrological house is 30 degrees is the twelfth of the circle about as rarely exactly 30 degrees, but each house is generalized to 30 degrees. Each astrological house represents each zodiac sign in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Also exaltation or detriment commonly called fall will be greater or lesser degree, depending on the planets contained in each house or lack thereof in each addition to aspects related to each other, is also taken into account the date, exact time and place of birth to determine the positions they will occupy the planets within each astrological house.
The circumference of the Horoscope or birth chart is divided into houses that may or may not coincide with the divisions by sign, ie a sign may occupy part of two astrological and vice versa ie an astrological house may be part of two different signs houses. Also the astrological planets may occupy one or more houses or signs and not take other houses or signs depending on their position in the date, time and place of the birth chart or Horoscope custom stands, exalting or depressing certain areas of our lives , hence some other be so different and so similar in terms of personality or physically.
Different astrological aspects are formed by planets, remember that the sun and moon are considered planets in astrology; as well as the distance formed between one (s) and other (s) is different aspects; For example: Should there 120 ° distance between a planet and the birth chart is considered a trine, whether between a planet and another there are 180 ° apart an opposition would be considered if between a planet and another there are 90 ° apart a square, the closer would be considered is the value of separation between a planet and a more pronounced and influential will this aspect.
From the astrological point of view, the fixed aspects determine the skills and attitudes of an individual's personality reflected in his home at the time of birth chart and your chances of success or failure in different areas of your life; such as: His career guidance, their ability to make money, your interpersonal and romantic relationships also determine their physical and psychological characteristics and other factors.
Planetary transitsLicense Image: Public Domain |
So considering the above example: If an individual has several negative aspects in the 9th house is the house of travel and contacts with the outside does not mean you can not be successful in that area no. What is clear from these astrological aspects is that its success or abroad or foreign travel will not be easy or quick achievement. However if a person has positive aspects in the same house 9, for example Jupiter in ninth house and also other planets trine or sextile make it is clear that for this type of person that astral configuration of birth, will be easier to achieve success or their targets or relative abroad. Thus the latter is the case of people who get their visa easily get scholarships to study abroad or when they reach these countries are established quickly and prosperity.
The lesson with the analysis of the above examples is that both ways can get the same, ie the long-awaited success in a certain area of our lives; but in the first case is with great sacrifice, obstacles and efforts and in some cases the expected results are not achieved, and in the second case things go easily and quickly.
Hence, it is important to stress our strong points in our chart and desist from those areas or areas with difficult birth, that is our lives are a set of situations that are represented in our birth chart birth and subsequent transits throughout our lives. This means we have different options or paths to choose from and we for ease, chances of success and speed stress in areas with good astrological aspects as it will be where we find more real chances of success and how life is a set of situations if we succeed labor, economic, social and other is in addition and complementary to hit the emotional, family triumph, and others almost simultaneously.
However it is the willpower, honesty, perseverance and trust in God that does everything but if we use this valuable tool properly, it will be easier to achieve our goals, overcome difficulties and find happiness or prosperity without suffering so much desired.
There are individuals with very successful astrological charts but in practice they are not so much and this is usually because they are not focused on the right track, for example, may be that a person fails to work for years despite being a professional competent and others but could not open the doors to get a suitable job, then you might be looking for employment in the wrong area or that their future is not an employee but a successful businessman and his future is on the outside, etc. All this does not say a correct chart, properly interpreted and will be of great help in making good decisions that will improve our future.
Astral Charter also known as Natal Chart
Horoscope, birth chart or natal chart: Planets
Horoscope or Birth Chart Etymological Origin
Horoscope, Birth Chart or Natal Letter: History
Horoscope, birth chart or natal chart: Planets
Horoscope or Birth Chart Etymological Origin
Horoscope, Birth Chart or Natal Letter: History
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